5¢ on YAML in the DevOps world
Envsubst as a GitHub Action, Serverless Frameworks that just look like a YAML wrapper around an API, YAML based TaskRunners that somewhat reensemble the requirements of a CI . Not sure if everyoke understood the convention over configuration thing and why would do descriptive instead of imperative (CloudFormation anyone?).
It reminds me more of people now pushing thin layered YAML wrappers since the micro NPM projects now look a bit old-school on the curriculum vitae 🙄
Well, obviously it’s about getting things to be easier to grasp. But then again sometimes find odd solutions when you hit the limits. The question is rather: who does find the most usable one?
Interesting read: https://aws-blog.de/2020/02/the-declarative-vs-imperative-infrastructure-as-code-discussion-is-flawed.html