PHP: just in case posix_isatty() is missing

From StackOverflow

Short function

function is_a_tty() 
    static $result;
    if (is_null(result)) {
        $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
        $stat = fstat($fp);
        $mode = $stat['mode'] & 0170000; // S_IFMT
        $result = $mode == 0020000; // S_IFCHR
    return $result;

Info Class from StackOverflow by leigh


class IOMode
    public $stdin;
    public $stdout;
    public $stderr;

    private function getMode(&$dev, $fp)
        $stat = fstat($fp);
        $mode = $stat['mode'] & 0170000; // S_IFMT

        $dev = new StdClass;

        $dev->isFifo = $mode == 0010000; // S_IFIFO
        $dev->isChr  = $mode == 0020000; // S_IFCHR
        $dev->isDir  = $mode == 0040000; // S_IFDIR
        $dev->isBlk  = $mode == 0060000; // S_IFBLK
        $dev->isReg  = $mode == 0100000; // S_IFREG
        $dev->isLnk  = $mode == 0120000; // S_IFLNK
        $dev->isSock = $mode == 0140000; // S_IFSOCK

    public function __construct()
        $this->getMode($this->stdin, fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));
        $this->getMode($this->stdout, fopen('php://stdout', 'w'));
        $this->getMode($this->stderr, fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));

$io = new IOMode;


$ php io.php
// Character device as input
// $io->stdin->isChr  == true

$ echo | php io.php
// Input piped from another command
// $io->stdin->isFifo == true

$ php io.php < infile
// Input from a regular file (name taken verbatim from C headers)
// $io->stdin->isReg  == true

$ mkdir test
$ php io.php < test
// Directory used as input
// $io->stdin->isDir  == true

$ php io.php
// $io->stdout->isChr  == true

$ php io.php | cat
// $io->stdout->isFifo == true

$ php io.php > outfile
// $io->stdout->isReg  == true

$ php io.php
// $io->stderr->isChr  == true

$ php io.php 2>&1 | cat
// stderr redirected to stdout AND piped to another command
// $io->stderr->isFifo == true

$ php io.php 2>error
// $io->stderr->isReg  == true

I hope those PHP stuff finally dies 🙁

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