Start an ssh-agent
If not yet done add to your rc-file ike .bashrc
or .zshrc
$ eval `ssh-agent`
Add your generated key
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
List keys
$ ssh-add -l
GitShell anyone?
GitLab should response with git-shell. You shall log in by git-user only!
$ ssh -T git@myserver.lab
Welcome to GitLab, Markus Geiger!
You should not get an Interactive Shell like sh!
Git Version> 2.2
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -vvv -T git@gitserver" GIT_TRACE=2 git clone git@gitserver/foo.git
Git Version < 2.2
# Debugging
ssh -vv -i privatekey -l git $@
GIT_SSH="sshwrapper-script" GIT_TRACE=2 git clone git@gitserver/foo.git
Other way
git config --global credential.helper cache