Browser Extensions
- I don’t care about cookies
- Imagus or
HoverZoom+ to enlarge images on mouse over (don’t use HoverZoom since it’s a data - Amazon Infinite Scroll
Collaborative Coding
Focusing on IDEs. Web-based solutions are mostly ignored.
- Floobits – IntelliJ, SublimeText, Atom, vscode-plugin in the works
- CodeStream – the new and fancy one
- tmate – terminal sharing over tmux
- Visual Studio Live Share – Visual Studio Code
- AWS Cloud9 – coding for the cloud
- [ScreenHero]) – h264 video streaming and now bought by, lacking no linux support
- Use Chromium to have Hardware Acceleration in your YouTube Videos – don’t forget to install h264ify browser extension to force h264 (chrome chooses VP9 for default which is currently not accelerated)
- Touchpad Gestures for Gnome
- There are nmo GTK3 themes! Remove theming support?
Jame’s Path Selector is not as much powerful as jq but Amazon AWS probably chose it since it might be faster and probably query-selectors are a bit more sophisticated (?)
- Awsome AWS
- docker-compose/machine for ECS/EC2
- JMESPath
- jp for JMESPath terminal usage
- WYSIWYM Terminal Playground
- s4cmd for S3 related stuff
- awsless
Font Ligatures
- LowCarb & Keto: Wie sind Kohlenhydrate aufgebaut?
- Timeline of Cryptography
- CSS Keylogging
- Flame Effect LEDs
- WaxTrax Records documentary
- AlternativeHistoryHub – YouTube Channel about alternative realities Rogue Squadron Man in the high castle
- Wikipedia: Living History Sites and Museums
- Depthy: only app known to me to postprocess depth in Google Camera Focus Effect Photos